вторник, 9 июля 2013 г.

Список децентрализованных сервисов интернет. - The alternative Internet: the list of the decentralised services

В связи с тотальной прослушкой интернет-каналов и прозрачностью коммерческих интернет-компаний перед государственными органами сейчас остро встал вопрос о мерах противодействия. Для пользователя самый эффективный вариант — использование криптографических инструментов и децентрализованных сервисов.

   На Гитхабе опубликована подборка таких сервисов. Многие из них на слуху, а другие не так известны. Список пополняется.

AnoNet AnoNet — децентрализованная сеть между друзьями с использованием VPN и программных BGP-маршрутизаторов.

Bitcoin — криптовалюта.

BitPhone — мобильное коммуникационное устройство, работающее на базе децентрализованной сети в стиле Bitcoin.

BitMessage — коммуникационный протокол P2P, используемый для обмена зашифрованными сообщениями от одного пользователя ко многим подписчикам.

Commotion Wireless
Commotion Wireless open source коммуникационный инструмент, работающий на мобильных телефонах компьютерах и других беспроводных устройствах для созданиря децентрализованных mesh-сетей.

Cryptosphere — распределенное зашифрованное облачное хранилище на базе модели данных Git.

Drogulus (WIP) — программируемое P2P-хранилище данных с поддержкой криптографии.

Сеть eDonkey (eD2k)
Сеть eDonkey — файлообменная децентрализованная сеть для обмена большими файлами.

Freenet — свободное программное обеспечения для анонимного обмена файлами, публикации сайтов (доступны только через Freenet), чатов и форумов.

Freifunk — некоммерческая инициатива по созданию свободной децентрализованной mesh-сети. Прошивки Freifunk основаны на OpenWRT и OLSR или B.A.T.M.A.N.

GNUnet — фреймворк для безопасных peer-to-peer коммуникаций без использования центральных или промежуточных серверов.

Grimwire — браузерное приложение, которое использует Web Workers для изоляции процессов и WebRTC для peer-to-peer коммуникаций.

Guifi — европейская (преимущественно, испанская) большая mesh-сеть с более чем 22000 активными узлами WiFi и 25 км оптоволокна.

I2P — анонимизирующая сеть, использующая несколько уровней шифрования.

Kademlia — распределенная хэш-таблица для P2P-сетей.

NameCoin — распределенная система DNS на технологии Bitcoin.

Nightweb — экспериментальное приложение для Android или ПК, которое позволяет публиковать контент и общаться через BitTorrent поверх I2P.

LibreVPN — виртуальная mesh-сеть с конфигурационными скриптами, позволяющими поднять собственный mesh-VPN.

OpenNIC Project — открытый и демократичный альтернативный DNS-провайдер.

Osiris — ПО для децентрализованного портала, управляемого и работающего по P2P.

PeerCDN — автоматически раздает статичные ресурсы на сайте (изображения, видео, файлы) через P2P-сеть, составленную из посетителей, который в данный момент находятся на сайте.

PeerCoin/PPCoin — первая криптовалюта, основанная на реализации одновременно систем proof-of-stake и proof-of-work.

PeerServer — пиринговая клиент-серверная технология, с использованием WebRTC, где ваш браузер работает как сервер для других браузеров через пиринговые P2P-каналы WebRTC.

Phantom — система децентрализованной интернет-анонимности.

Project Byzantium
Project Byzantium — Linux-дистрибутив с поддержкой беспроводных mesh-сетей, который обеспечит связь в случае стихийного бедствия или аварии интернет-провайдера.

Project Meshnet
Project Meshnet ставит целью создание устойчивого децентрализованного альтернативного интернета. Quick mesh project Quick mesh project — прошивка на базе OpenWRT для создания mesh-сетей. Retroshare RetroShare — open source, децентрализованная коммуникационная платформа для чатов и обмена файлами.

Serval Project
Serval Project позволяет осуществлять звонки между мобильными телефонами без использования базовых станций.

Syndie — open source система для поддержки распределенных форумов.

Tahoe-LAFS — свободная распределенная файловая система с дублированием информации. Tavern Tavern — распределенная, анонимная невзламываемая сеть, защищенная от любого пользователя извне.

Telehash — новый криптографический протокол на базе JSON, позволяющий быстро создавать защищенные P2P-приложения.

FNF — организация Free Network Foundation для информационной поддержки в создании локальных беспроводных сетей.

Tonika — распределенная социальная сеть, в которой коммуникации осуществляются напрямую между друзьями.

Tor — многоступенчатая сеть анонимайзеров.

Tox — проект, ставящий целью создать P2P-альтернативу Skype.

Tribler — проект по созданию интернета, свободного от цензуры, развивается уже восемь лет, создано экспериментальное приложение для Android.

Unhosted — бессерверные веб-приложения, которые исполняются в браузере клиента.

Vole — социальная сеть в браузере, без центрального сервера, использует Bittorrent, Go и Ember.js, а также Bittorrent Sync.

ZeroTier One
ZeroTier One — open source приложение для создания огромных распределенных Ethernet-сетей. Используется end-to-end шифрование для всего трафика. Есть коммерческая и бесплатная версия.

In connection with total прослушкой Internet channels and a transparency of the commercial Internet companies before state structures now there was sharply a question on counteraction measures. For the user the most effective variant — use of cryptographic tools and the decentralised services. On Githabe the selection of such services is published. Many of them on hearing, and others not so are known. The list replenishes.

Alternative Internet

Pull requests VERY welcome!

AnoNet is a decentralized friend-to-friend network built using VPNs and software BGP routers. anoNet works by making it difficult to learn the identities of others on the network allowing them to anonymously host IPv4 and IPv6 services)

BitPhone is a mobile communications device with the features of a modern smartphone built on top of decentralized BitCoin-style proof-of-work networking.

BitMessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. See whitepaper

Camlistore is your personal storage system for life. It is an acronym for "Content-Addressable Multi-Layer Indexed Storage" and could be described as "Like git for all content in your life"
Commotion Wireless

Commotion Wireless is an open-source communication tool that uses mobile phones, computers, and other wireless devices to create decentralized mesh networks.

The Cryptosphere is a global peer-to-peer cryptosystem for publishing and securely distributing both data and HTML5/JS applications pseudonymously with no central point of failure. It's built on top of the next-generation Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library and the Git data model.

Diaspora* is a free social network consisting of personal web server that implements a distributed social networking service. Diaspora* is a fun and creative community that puts you in control.

The Drogulus (WIP) is a programmable peer-to-peer data store. It's an open, federated and decentralised system where the identity of users and provenance of data is ensured by cryptographically signing digital assets.
eDonkey network (eD2k)

eDonkey network is a decentralized, mostly server-based, peer-to-peer file sharing network best suited to share big files among users, and to provide long term availability of files

Firecloud is a P2P web publishing platform in your using Persona and WebRTC to work its magic.

Freenet is free software which lets you anonymously share files, browse and publish "freesites" (web sites accessible only through Freenet) and chat on forums, without fear of censorship. Freenet is decentralised to make it less vulnerable to attack, and if used in "darknet" mode, where users only connect to their friends, is very difficult to detect.

Freifunk is a non-commercial initiative for free decentraliced wireless mesh networks. Technically Freifunk firmwares are based on OpenWRT and OLSR or B.A.T.M.A.N.

GNUnet is GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services.

Grimwire is a browser OS which uses Web Workers for process isolation, and WebRTC for peer-to-peer communication.

Guifi is a european (especially spanish) large network with over 22000 active nodes. Uses wifi in both infrastructure and mesh mode. Over 25km of fiber as well so far.

I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties.

Kademlia is a distributed hash table for decentralized peer-to-peer computer networks

NameCoin is a decentralized naming system based on Bitcoin technology.

Nightweb connects your Android device or PC to an anonymous, peer-to-peer social network. You can write posts and share photos, and your followers will retrieve them using BitTorrent running over the I2P anonymous network. It is still experimental.

LibreVPN is a virtual mesh network using tinc plus configuration scripts that even let you build your own mesh VPN. It's also IPv6 enabled.

OpenNIC Project is an alternative DNS provider that is open and democratic.

Osiris is software for decentralized portal, managed and shared via P2P between members.

PeerCDN automatically serves a site's static resources (images, videos, and file downloads) over a peer-to-peer network made up of the visitors currently on the site.

PeerServer is a peer-to-peer client server using WebRTC, where your browser acts as a server for other browsers across WebRTC peer-to-peer data channels.

Phantom is (was?) a system for generic, decentralized, unstoppable internet anonymity
Project Byzantium

Project Byzantium - Ad-hoc wireless mesh networking for the zombie apocalypse. The goal of Project Byzantium is to develop a communication system by which users can connect to each other and share information in the absence of convenient access to the Internet. This is done by setting up an ad-hoc wireless mesh network that offers services which replace popular websites often used for this purpose, such as Twitter and IRC.
Project Meshnet

Project Meshnet aims to build a sustainable decentralized alternative internet. Used by Hyperboria and built on CJDNS.

pubsubhubbub is a simple, open, server-to-server webhook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol for any web accessible resources.

qaul.net implements a redundant, open communication principle, in which wireless-enabled computers and mobile devices can directly form a spontaneous network. Chat functions, file sharing and voice chat is possible independent of internet and cellular networks.
Quick mesh project

Quick mesh project is an openwrt based mesh networking firmware. Can be installed on any openwrt supported system. Auto configures any needed connections, auto detects internet connections and aunounces them. Native IPv6 support with IPv4 tunnels for current networking support.

RetroShare is an open source, decentralised communication platform. It lets you chat and share with friends and family, with a web-of-trust to authenticate peers.
Serval Project

The Serval Project lets mobile phones make phone calls to each other peer-to-peer without a base station.

Syndie is an open source system for operating distributed forums offering a secure and consistent interface to various anonymous and non-anonymous content networks.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.

Tavern is a distributed, anonymous, unblockable network designed to ensure that no one is silenced, censored, or cut off from the rest of the world

Telehash a new encrypted P2P JSON-based protocol enabling developers to quickly build apps that are distributed and private (see v2 of the spec)
Tent protocol

Tent is a protocol that puts users back in control. Users should control the data they create, choose who can access it, and change service providers without losing their social graph. Tent is a protocol, not a platform. Like email, anyone can build Tent apps or host Tent servers, all Tent servers can talk to each other, and there is no central authority to restrict users or developers.

The FNF is the free network foundation: teaching how to build wireless community networks.

Tidepools is being developed within the Red Hook Mesh Network, for addressing local, social incentives for mesh use. An Open Source, Collaborative, Mobile Mapping & Social Hub, Reflecting Community Needs & Culture through Custom Apps, Time-based Maps, & Data Feeds.

Tonika is a (digital) social network, which (by design) restricts direct communication to pairs of users who are friends, possesses many of the security properties (privacy, anonymity, deniability, resilience to denial-of-service attacks, etc.) that human sociaties implement organically in daily life.

Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.

Tox The goal of this project is to create a configuration free p2p skype replacement.

Tribler Aims to create a censorship-free Internet. Already deployed, used and incrementally improved for 8-years. Tribler uses an upcoming IETF Internet Standard for video streaming and is backward compatible with Bittorrent. Future aim is using smartphones to even bypass Internet kill switches. An early proof-of-principle Tribler-mobile is available on the Android Market. Key principle: 'the only way to take it down is to take The Internet down'. Overview paper.

Unhosted - also known as "serverless", "client-side", or "static" web apps, unhosted web apps do not send your user data to their server. Either you connect your own server at runtime, or your data stays within the browser.

Vole is a web-based social network that you use in your browser, without a central server. It's built on the power of Bittorrent, Go and Ember.js. Uses bittorrent sync.

Webfist is a fallback for when providers don't support WebFinger natively. It lets you do WebFinger lookups for email addresses even if the owner of the domain name isn't playing along. WebFist works because of a judo move on an existing infrastructure: DKIM.
ZeroTier One

ZeroTier One is an open source application that creates huge distributed Ethernet networks. It makes use of supernodes, but these run the same code as ordinary nodes and end-to-end encryption protects all unicast traffic. Semi-commercial with a freemium model.

BitCoin is a digital currency, a protocol, and a software that enables it. Decentralized crypto-currency

LiteCoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world (was based on Bitcoin)
See Namecoin above


PeerCoin/PPCoin is the first known cryptocurrency based on an implementation of a combined proof-of-stake/proof-of-work system
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